As you have seen for the past few days, the rain gear has come on and off based on intermittent showers – occasionally hard – but never too long. We turned a new chapter today, however, as we walked the first hour and a half in a continuous downpour. The result was often muddy paths with large pools of water.
Today’s hike was 13.5 miles with 800 feet in elevation gain, and a section that followed a 2,500 year old Roman road. Normally we try to rest about every four miles, but with everything everywhere so wet, that was impossible. We were finally able to stop about 5.5 miles into our hike when we found a small cafe on the side of our path. As has been the case for the last few days, it was very crowded with other pilgrims. This is such a change from the French Way – and not a good one.
Not much time or inclination to stop in the rain and take many pictures today. The early afternoon improved slightly, but not enough to remove our rain gear.